Animal School
This is such a timeless, beautiful reminder of the TRUTH of who our children are!
Spoken like a true bumblebee...
"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE. Where there is injury, PARDON. Where there is doubt, FAITH. Where there is despair, HOPE. Where there is sadness, JOY. Where there is darkness, LIGHT." ~ St. Francis of Assisi
This is such a timeless, beautiful reminder of the TRUTH of who our children are!
My Mom is convinced I have A.D.D.
Did you know that popcorn + two children under 5 = unbelievable fallout of the relentless stinky, nuclear-waste-flatulence type? At the dinner table, no less.
The more Christian people I talk with and listen to, the more I open myself to the realization that modern-day structured church has the potential to hinder, more than foster or encourage, transparent accountability among us. It breaks me to contemplate how much in need of shepherding we bunch of sheep currently are.
"God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved, and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:4-10
Sometimes I regard parenting as a journey of surviving our children's agonizingly lingering break from a cocoon. If we are of the impatient sort, we are anxious for their emergence. If we are of the sentimental and deeply emotional type, we languish over every fluttery step. Of forgiveness and healing your bruised heart as you reach the end of each day and realize that the path behind you is littered with missed moments, opportunities to love, to impart, to listen, to care, to hold, to hug, to laugh, to play, to explore. To simply BE with your children.
The good news:
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins. Sigh.
It's fantasically good. But truly, it's only the peanut butter part that is good. I go digging into the chocolate ice cream for that ribbon of peanut butter ice cream, find every last morsel and discard the chocolate ice cream. I've never been a fan of chocolate, exactly. I see it more as elaborate packaging I have to unwrap to get to the good stuff within. I know - I have issues. Probably the only owner of two X chromosomes who does not adore chocolate for its own sake. But the peanut butter part... that is divine.
Even if it does leave a stark aftertaste: a delightfully glorious blend of regret and guilt.
Why can't I ever crave celery? Radishes? A basic fruit of some kind?... Water?
If anyone asks, you know absolutely nothing about the extra 60 pounds I recently gained, and the tragic diabetic coma I will soon be recovering from.
I should really stop staying up so late creatively avoiding doing the dishes. Super late nights tend to equal sweet or salty food cravings for me. At this point, I am craving this particular treat ~ which is, by the elaborate evil endeavors of the Keebler elves (It's a long story. They hate me.) not available locally ~
Twas the night after elections,
The latest installment of "Questions From My Children":
I love this photo and its message.
For those who don't understand the reference or have better things to do than keep up with the current state of the US political pie eating contest, Mr. John Kerry managed to insult, degrade, and malign the United States Armed Forces - again. On Monday, the junior senator from Massachusetts warned students in California that those who failed to become educated and smart risked being stuck in Iraq. The implication was clear: U.S. soldiers in Iraq are there only because they are uneducated and stupid. Kerry’s original remarks were bad enough, but then he compounded the problem by claiming that his remarks were due to a “botched joke." Botch this, Senator.
My family is over there protecting and serving. Far from illiterate or uneducated, they bring their advanced collegiate degrees with them as they stand in the gap for all of us. Including those who have such deafening political aspirations that they do not bat an eyelash as they openly denigrate those soliders whose lives are the currency of their national freedoms.
So, a group of our supposedly uneducated, degenerate, dropout soliders decided to set Mr. Kerry straight with this poster they made up and distributed to the world via "Drudge".
Hoo-Rah, boys. Spank away.