Tuesday, November 14, 2006

food cravings, part deux

The good news:

The peanut butter twix obsession was short-lived.

The bad news:

It has been replaced with this:

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins. Sigh.

It's fantasically good. But truly, it's only the peanut butter part that is good. I go digging into the chocolate ice cream for that ribbon of peanut butter ice cream, find every last morsel and discard the chocolate ice cream. I've never been a fan of chocolate, exactly. I see it more as elaborate packaging I have to unwrap to get to the good stuff within. I know - I have issues. Probably the only owner of two X chromosomes who does not adore chocolate for its own sake. But the peanut butter part... that is divine.

Even if it does leave a stark aftertaste: a delightfully glorious blend of regret and guilt.

Why can't I ever crave celery? Radishes? A basic fruit of some kind?... Water?

If anyone asks, you know absolutely nothing about the extra 60 pounds I recently gained, and the tragic diabetic coma I will soon be recovering from.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not just dip a finger into a jar of Skippy? Mmm...good!

1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Stop it! You're killing me!


7:37 AM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

Oooooh .... that stuff is wicked yummy!

2:55 AM  
Blogger Mo said...

Oh my. I WANT THAT! ;o)

1:07 PM  

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