Saturday, November 04, 2006

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I love this photo and its message.

For those who don't understand the reference or have better things to do than keep up with the current state of the US political pie eating contest, Mr. John Kerry managed to insult, degrade, and malign the United States Armed Forces - again. On Monday, the junior senator from Massachusetts warned students in California that those who failed to become educated and smart risked being stuck in Iraq. The implication was clear: U.S. soldiers in Iraq are there only because they are uneducated and stupid. Kerry’s original remarks were bad enough, but then he compounded the problem by claiming that his remarks were due to a “botched joke." Botch this, Senator.

My family is over there protecting and serving. Far from illiterate or uneducated, they bring their advanced collegiate degrees with them as they stand in the gap for all of us. Including those who have such deafening political aspirations that they do not bat an eyelash as they openly denigrate those soliders whose lives are the currency of their national freedoms.

So, a group of our supposedly uneducated, degenerate, dropout soliders decided to set Mr. Kerry straight with this poster they made up and distributed to the world via "Drudge".

Hoo-Rah, boys. Spank away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this was so hysterical. Tell your family who chooses to serve that I appreciate and thank them. You should be very proud.


5:41 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

*LOVE* the pic - LMAO - God Bless our military men & woman serving our country. Especially with the holidays approaching - I remember how hard it was when SoldierJ was deployed. Can you believe that he will be home 1 year this coming weekend?!?!? HOOAH!!!

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. picture
and John Kerry, how dare you insult the very people who are protecting your ass! They are, indeed, very well educated and very much more man (and woman) than JK will ever be...

1:21 AM  

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