office ode
"I am faster than 80% of all snakes" ~ Dwight Schrute
"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE. Where there is injury, PARDON. Where there is doubt, FAITH. Where there is despair, HOPE. Where there is sadness, JOY. Where there is darkness, LIGHT." ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Sweetie the hamster escapee has been found!
What if there is a God? ONE God, not many. Not the cosmos, not the "spirit of oneness", not the awareness ofn amorphic, noncommittal "higher power, but the ONE GOD: The Alpha and the Omega - Almighty God. The creator of the heaven and the earth. The LORD.
I painted my toenails blue last night.
Hint: It's not Voldemort. :)
I do not want to govern a nation.
My soon-to-be three year old son just approached me with a mischevious grin across his face and his hands tucked deep into the pockets of his little toddler jeans. With some work, he yanked out a rather large plush mouse toy from somewhere down inside his slacks, where he had apparently stuffed it.
"The beginning of living the call you were born to is listening well enough to hear it."
Today's dose of Peripheral Musings (AKA, "stuff I think about whilst stuck in traffic"):
For someone who claims I do not want to think about the 2008 Presidential election in 2008 yet (and it's true, I really don't. If only I could effectively avoid it altogether...), I have been doing an awful lot of thinking about the 2008 Presidential election.
You may have noticed my new little linky thingy over there on the left side of my sidebar under the Sesame Street US Terror Alert (which always makes me grin), about a BLOG PARTY and wondered what that was about?
So, anyone want to take a vote for exactly how long it takes before Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama join forces, combining their Election 2008 hopes into one uber-ticket: HillBar? Or Clinbama?
Main Entry: goof·ball
There are a number of healthy reasons I will never own a Lexus automobile. If you happen to own a Lexus, I tread carefully in hopes that you do not harbor an unusually intimate connection to your car and will now dislike me indefinitely for maligning it. If it soothes you, by all means feel free to snicker at my ordinary, clearly substandard method of transportation as you whiz by me down the freeway.
Thank you SO much, my dear friends (and you random anonymous readers from Taiwan and Ireland who, according to my blog stats tracker, visit this blog eerily often) for your prayers for me and my family.
This approximate two-week absence from my blog is, in this instance, rather meaningful. You see, this most current leg of my life's journey has involved some rather stormy seas.
We found out just before Thanksgiving that I would be facing heart surgery in January to repair a congenital heart defect that was causing blood clots. A bit out of left field and not the manner in which we hoped to begin 2007, certainly. But face it we did. We knelt in prayer quite a bit in the time leading up to this week, asking for strength, courage, bravery, and peace. We drew near to the comfort of the Lord and of family and friends. I tasted grace in the face of fear. A new level of my faith was born.
And this Tuesday morning, between 10:22 and 12:56, I was laying upon an operating table at the hospital, surrounded by seven men in aqua and white scrubs and plastic face masks. I was having surgery on my heart.
Unfortunately, I experienced a complication, and despite all their medical expertise and efforts, the doctors were unable to repair the hole that lies between the ventricles of my heart and is cauing me to have strokes. So while I recover here in the toasty comfort of my own bed, I am met with the reality that I will almost definitely need to have this surgery all over again within the next 90 days.
And so we are again in prayer.
But as interesting and painful as this particular portion of the road has been, I wouldn't take nothing for my journey (thanks Maya) because I only see the path behind me and perhaps the step just ahead. The Lord alone is the author and FINISHER of my faith, my life, my steps, my path. He alone knows where He will lead me. I won't waste my moments complaining about the darkness that surrounds me at midnight, because I have faith that the sun will rise again soon.
I covet your prayers for peace and grace as we face this leg of our journey, and may God bless every one who happens upon this blog page.
Thsi post is alternatively titled: The Present Procrastination Polka.
Or an extension ladder.
Today is the first day in over 2 years that I have not had a taste of Dr. Pepper.