Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the goofball within gets paroled

Main Entry: goof·ball
Pronunciation: 'gü-f&bah, -ll
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps alteration of "goof"
Definition : blunderer, klutz, jester, card, buffoon

When you find yourself making people laugh when you're not trying to make people laugh - what is the word for that?

Accidential comedian?

Sardonically talented?

or just...

I've-been-cooped-up-in-my-house-too-long utter goofball?

It's a big grey area I am evidently inhabiting with ample panache over the last 24 hours.

Put it this way: at one point this morning, there was so much black ice on the ground that lost my balance while filling up my car at the gas station. I did manage to grab something to help reduce the impact of my fall, though. That would be my windshield wiper, which promptly snapped off. While walking to the window to pay for my gas (because the automatic machines always break down when it is 28 degrees outside) I met up with the slippery ice again had an impromtu game of "bowling for people", managing to knock down three perfectly innocent bystanders. Rushing to try to help them get back up, I managed to get my foot stuck in a rather prickly frozen bramble. I was only freed from the demon bush when one very nice guy (one of my icy slip-n-slide victims, no less) yanked me as hard as he could, leaving my left shoe behind. All of this effort was met with the scattered laughter and some applause of everyone at the gas station.

My shoe is still buried deep within the evil bramble bush at the gas station. My pride is out there with it. If it gets warmer tomorrow, I plan to go back and retrieve both.


Blogger MommaRia said...

Sorry, but I was not there and I find myself first gasping because if somebody should not be body surfing right now it is you...and then giggling because...


it's just funny.

Thanks for the smile.
(I'm hoping you are ok)

3:48 AM  
Blogger Roxy Wishum said...

Sure, it is funny now! But what if you had been driving a Lexus? A windshield wiper is $613. Glad you are o.k. Can't believe you left your shoe. Picturing the tippy-toe walk back to the car is funny.

4:09 AM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

Oh my goodness woman! I really hope you are ok - especially after all you have been through lately. I giggle a little b/c I could so see this happening & that's just who I am ;) Love you & hope you are hurting {HUGS} :[ *bats*

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my! Hasn't it just been a week since surgery? You need to be more careful. No more ice competitions!


9:05 AM  
Blogger ~ cyndyann ~ said...

How do you NOT giggle at that visual? Then I snap to my senses and say, Girl, you gotta be more careful! but then, how can one EVER be careful on black ice?
Seeing some big ol brawny guy pull you out of the bush must have been a sight (one among many for you on this ONE task) and then you walking back to your car without one shoe is too funny.
I hope you didn't hurt anything other than your pride.

So are you ever going back to that gas station? hehe

12:21 AM  
Blogger butterfly cocoon said...

I'm glad you are ok Lachen, but I have to admit it made me laugh and then I felt guilty! Are you bruised all over?
I want to let you know I'm praying for you and I'm sorry the first surgery wasn't a success. I didn't realize you were going through this, but now that I know you will be on my prayer list and the one at my church as well.
With love

6:02 PM  
Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

hilarious!!! WE ALL HAVE THOSE MOMENTS...and I probably win first place for silly times.

7:30 AM  

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