Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prop 82 Plunges

That Prop 82 went down in flames in today's California election is giving a nice little jaunty uplift to my step. Thank goodness we rejected this sugar coated plan for wealth redistribution, discriminatory taxation, and more crummy government~run educational programs for our kids. Ah, "Universal Preschool" Bankrolled by the Wealthy. What a grand idea! Since the state of California does such a superb job of educating our children in grades K-12, why not instill MORE of the same substandard programs and succesful endeavors? Only let's also involuntarily force those Californians who make more money than most of us to pay for the preschool education of other people's children!

If this bill passed, I would be temped to propose a ballot measure in the not-so-distant future, requiring those evil wealthy people to be taxed for the "Universal Subsidize-Lachen-Maui Fund". Sheesh. Who ARE the people who conceive these communistic, fruitless, discriminiatory, band-aid ideas? Oh wait, nevermind - Rob Reiner. Well, there you go.

Gee, here's a thought: why not REDUCE taxes on the lot of us so that we can afford to send our children to the privately run preschool of our choice on our OWN dime, should we so desire?

If our earnings were not taxed to the obscene extreme in this state ~ used to fund an intolerable number of government "programs" which pose no benefit to our children ~ we'd retain enough of our own money to be able to pay for our own childrens' education! After all, it is OUR responsibility to educate our children, not Rob Reiners', our governments', or my friends the business owners ~ who work their tails off for every penny they earn but whose pennies happen to add up to a heckuva lot more than mine and meet the criteria for this proposed bill. We must continue to pry the tentacles of government run programs from our lives, before they strangle us. And then send the bill for our funerals to the wealthy.

Common sense is an endangered species these days. But thankfully enough of us who cling to its frayed edges showed up at the polls in California today to send this putrid proposition packing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


As goes California, so goes Arizona eventually. So glad to hear this got the kibosh!


9:26 PM  

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