Saturday, May 27, 2006

Blowing in the wind, or just BLOWING?

Most Americans who are aware of what happened today in the Senate concerning Bill S.2611 (U.S. Immigration Policy, Increasing Border Security, Guest Worker Bill) probably have an opinion about it.

At least I would hope so.

This is not about changing the color of the China used in the white house, for goodness sakes. This is about the sovereignty of our nation, the protection of our children, the promise of our way of life, and the hope for the future. This is about the United States of America and our charted path towards the horizon.

For me, there is a certain reality to face. A great, great many of those people in positions to lead and direct our footsteps along this path are either unfortunately blind to the dead end canyons of razor sharp rock for which we are headed, or imagine unique and yet-to-be-actualized miraculous escape plans the likes of which we would most likely see on the season opener of Lost.

I have a word for this Senate bill. Several, actually. But, interestingly, what hit me hardest this afternoon as I thought and prayed about this dawning national dilemma: thankfulness. Isn't that stunning? THANKFULNESS.


Well, since you asked...

I am thankful that we are sitting in the midst of increasing evidence that the best laid plans of even the most likely, learned men are destined to inherent flaws and eventual failure if they are laid without the foundation of Jesus.

I am thankful that humanity cannot help itself by itself.

I am thankful that we are reaching a point in this nation where we must begin admitting that we do not have the ability to respond to every need or crisis that presents itself. That we are human and that there are finite limits to the seeming vastness of our wisdom. I am thankful that we are reaching the point where we must recognize the futility of our own greatness.

I am thankful that our eyes are being opened that even the best efforts, if you believe they are that, of each of us will never be enough to save us from ourselves.

And I am thankful that we Americans seem to be journeying towards loosening our grip on the utter reverence for our own political systems and the seeming perfection of the elected individuals within them. This understanding of the utter failings of the very men and women we elect to represent us was punctuated today as I read through
some commentary referring to a 1999 study that spotlights the flaws inherent in expecting perfection from the hands of elected men, who, while serving us as elected representatives, are still inherently flawed and whose flaws, absent submission to the sovereignty of the Lord, prevent a perfected process our outcome of the government they manuever within:

>>>On August 19, 1999 Capital Hill Blue, a political news organization performed an in-depth study of the U.S. elected officials who formulate decisions for the nation in Washington DC. As of 1999 when the study was done, Capital Hill Blue opened with their conclusion by stating, "The 535 men and women who make up the House and Senate of the United States include, at best, a collection of rogues, con artists, scofflaws and bad check artists. At worst, they comprise, as Mark Twain once observed, a distinct criminal class."

Capital Hill documented the following:
Members who avoided driver's violations via Congressional immunity 217 (40.5%)
Members who filed bankruptcy on TWO or more businesses 117 (21.8%)
Members picked up for DUI, but let go via Congressional immunity 84 (15.7%)
Members with bad credit, unable to get a credit card 71 (13.3%)
Members who can't pass DOD or DOE security clearance 53 (10%)
Members accused of spousal abuse 29 (5.4%)
Members with DUI records (despite congressional immunity) 27 (5%)
Members sued by personal creditors 21 (3.9%)
Members who write bad checks (3.5% even after closing the House Bank) 19
Members with drug related arrests 14 (2.6%)
Eight were arrested for shoplifting, seven for fraud, four for theft, three for assault and one for criminal trespass.

Add to the list, Members since 1999 who were sentenced to Prison, 8 years or more for bribery, tax evasion, extortion, corruption, scandals, Special Interest Payoffs and you have the best Government, Money can Buy. A one term limit on all elected officials might solve the problem. Honest politicians with true integrity that listen to constituents may be an oxymoron but there are still many Republicans as well as Democrats that never compromise their oath of office or their Nation. These people are true leaders worthy of respect and support daily, far beyond election nonsense and 'pandering' for votes .<<<

I am thankful to be losing faith in the solutions of MEN because it refocuses me on the solutions of GOD. I pray for mine and others' committed and courageous hearts to boldly, wisely, and humbly speak for Godly solutions to the issues which confront us as individual and collective people, nationally and across the globe.

So, from the mind and heart of Lachen, I say this: while this Senate bill blows (and make no mistake, it does BLOW), our well earned complaints (and believe me, the word "crock" has been muttered more than once in my house today), cannot be the end of our participation in this process. We must do more. We must not allow ourselves to be paraded off this cliff without putting up one hell of a fight.

For those of us within whom this latest Senate bill sounds genuine alarms, I offer this iron sharpening encouragement: Pray without ceasing. Seek God's will. Passionately love across borders while ardently protecting that within. Then speak and act on the convictions God has placed on your heart. As for me, this long weekend will find me crafting emails to my Senator, Congress woman, Governor, and the President. But more importantly than that, I will be in prayer.

I stand today, in grateful knowledge that God is bigger than the size of our problems.

And in renewed knowledge that the answers, my friend, are not the only things which are blowing in the wind.


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