Sunday, May 07, 2006

does Jesus take sick days?


...are all sick right now. I am managing to hold onto wellness, but by a thin thread.

Both kids have been up once tonight so far, and are now each snuggled back down under the helpful influence of Tylenol Cold and Motrin Fever respectively. Because Copper has to work (people are still protesting down here for one thing or another), we'll be calling in sick for church services in the morning. I don't think that the wheezes, sneezes, fevers, stinky diapers, aching bellies, and runny noses that are awash in our home tonight will be healed enough in 8 hours to feel comfortable subjecting others to our germs. Sigh. I am excited to spend time reading the Bible and teaching my own medicated and Kleenexed version of Sunday school to my little ones tomorrow.

Always a bright side...


Blogger ~Kristina~ said...


I hope everyone is feeling better now

4:41 PM  

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