Monday, February 06, 2006

Peaceful mask of violence

So, it seems a Danish newspaper re-published a satirical cartoon depicting Muhammed carrying a bomb around in his turban. This, obviously, refers to the legacy of death and violence that tends to sadly accompany modern day radical Islam, in practice and teaching, throughout the world in which the religion saturates culture to the point of inextricable blending.

Across the world, Muslims are, clearly, not happy with this cartoon. Dominating the news is coverage of violent protests: burning buildings, boycotting products, throwing stones and rocks, shooting guns, destroying houses and cars, threatening various targets. Citing religious beliefs that all depictions of the "Prophet" are forbidden, they threaten DEATH to anyone (or any nation) breaking their religious code. "Islam is the religion of peace!" is professed, which is an increasingly insult to our collective intelligence, considering that being simultaneously uttered are such sentiments as:

~ "This is not a protest, this is a warning," said Khalid Kelly, 39, an Irish national who converted to Islam five years ago."Stop murdering our women and children. We gave the same message before 9/11. We are now saying to insult our Prophet means death. We are being attacked and an attack against our Prophet will mean death."

~ "It is very clear: Anyone who insults the Prophet must be beheaded. Remember van Gogh?" he said, referring to the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh who was murdered in 2004 for his controversial film about Islam. "Whoever did it, bless him. Islam is peace but you see there will only be peace when Islam is implemented across the world. In the Prophet's time anyone who insulted the Prophet was beheaded. The same should happen now." That gem courtesy of Abu Jihad, 43, English citizen of Pakistani descent.

~ 500 protesters gathered outside the Danish Embassy in West London after a two-hour march. Amid chants of "Denmark go to hell" and "Bomb, bomb Denmark", protesters called for a jihad, or holy war. Protesters yelled: "Denmark watch your back" and "You'll pay with your blood". Banners read: "Europe you will pay, your 9/11 is on its way".

~ "The only solution is for those responsible to be killed. In Islam, the one who insults the messenger should be killed." ~ Abu Ibrahwm, 26, of Luton, England.

And, get this:

~ Mahmoud Zahar, a top leader of newly elected Palestinian militant group Hamas, said yesterday: "“We should have killed all those who offend the Prophet."

That this guy was just ELECTED to a leadership position at ALL should bother us more than a little bit.

The ongoing hoopla in both word and action over this cartoon starkly illustrates the kind of peace Islam subscribes to.

Such peacefully loving advocation of mass murder, terrorism, beheading, and holy war just gets me all warm and fuzzy. How absolutely horrifying and indefensible! Why are we not moved to condemn this unformly? This is lunacy. It is a cartoon, people. Written by non-Muslims who do not subscribe to Islam, and are thus, not bound to abide by Islamic religious laws of the non-depiction of Muhammed.

And you know what? The message intended by the illustration, however disrespectfulul its presentation, has merit. For it was as Muslims ACTING IN THE NAME OF ALLAH that destroyed our planes, buildings, and lives on September 11, that bombed the subway stations and bus in England on 7/7, that stage suicide-bombing massacres of staggering proportions everyday in Jerusalem or on the streets of Muslim nations at the hands of Hamas or Al Qaeda, that killed seventeen US soldiers aboard the USS Cole. Muslim violence is occurring on a global scale as a concentrated jihadist effort against the "infidels", which literally includes everyone "who are not Muslims."

Definitely seems a peaceful religion to me. Definitely peaceful. Definitely.

If the only two ways to achieve peace are to either religiously convert or kill everyone you meet, your definition of peace is rancid. And intolerable. And rotten. And wrong.

I am awakened. I will no longer will tolerate being fed the lie of a "peaceful" Islam. I flat out do not believe that. I just refuse to disregard my own eyes, ears, mind, heart, and soul to my own risk of peril when it comes to Islamic "promotion of peace".

I hope with all my heart that I am missing something, that somehow all these guys who run around blowing things up and targeting anyone who differs from them are the rogue members of an outcast Muslim sect. That they do not represent the whole. But when members of the elected leadership of a nation unabashedly advocate the same inflammatory violence speech and actions, my hope dwindles to a level just below paltry.

In seeking to understand the Qu'uran/Koran, I have read it. Twice from cover to cover and often in pieces as part of more intensive study over the years. This elusive "peace" that Islam claims to contains has never been evident to me. Instead, I find as the heart of Islam, a religion founded in war and initially spread by armed conquest ancapturingng of wives, wealth, land, and spoils. Violent aggression is embedded throughout the Qu'uran/Koran and in basic concepts of the religion in practice and philosophy. Simply stated, territories dominated by Muslims are called "Dar al-Islam", meaning: the sphere of Islam. The rest of the world is called "Dar al-Harb", or: the sphere of War.

This means that, sooner or later, everyone will be categorized. And, from the Qu'uran/Koran's own pages, either one becomes a Muslim, or one becomes a target.

Even as I realize I am a target to these radicals, I love because God first loved us and commands us to love one another. And His peace - REAL peace - never comes delivered as a suicide bomb, or by means of a fatwa or jihad, which are all solely the efforts of corrupted, sinful human beings adhering to a religious tradition built on a foundation of violence.


Blogger Doug said...

You're right Lachen-we are in agreement, and our posts have the same message. Looking through the scriptures, I see the battle lines clearly delineated:the entire world
against God and His special posession,Israel. Seeing the world tipping into confusion and error more every day would be disheartening if we didn't know that these times are evidence of our Lord's soon return. all naysayers who say that it's always been this way, He isn't coming back should know that their response was foreseen and written down 5000 years ago.
Lachen, I'm glad that you've read the Koran, so can offer analysis where I can only go on assumptions. Isn't lying to non-Muslims considered proper and right conduct for a Muslim to further the cause of Islam? If so, why would anyone believe them about anything?
Have a great day, Lachen.

11:40 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

Doug! I am so excited to be on the same page as someone. Most of my friends, Christian or no, are loathe to discus this topic, fearing they be labelled an Islamic basher. My husband and I stand together, but alone, in pointing out the futility and sheer violence that permeates Islam, in teaching, practice, and adherence.

There are new Muslims, "reformed" or "contemporary" who denounce the violence that so many of their brethren practice and preach.

However, it cannot be denied that the religion, based on the life and teachings of Muhammed, openly advocates unparalleled violence towards all infidels.

As to lying, YES, lying is permitted in Islam. I would refer you to this site for more detailed information:, from which I quote, "Allah's Apostle said, "Who is willing to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?" Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab). "The Prophet said, "You may say it." ... (Sahih al-Bukhari 5.369, cf. the article on Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf for further details)

Muhammad clearly condoned dishonesty, as well as murder, when it suited his purposes.

Lying today

Imam Abu Hammid Ghazali says: "Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible." (Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, The Reliance of the Traveller, translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller, amana publications, 1997, section r8.2, page 745)
Note that Al-Ghazali is one of the most famous and respected Muslim theologians of all time."

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis Prager took on this controversy just this morning. Acknowledging that there were Muslim clerics & other Muslim leaders condemning and attempting to stop the riots, he went on to say that other clerics actually encouraged the unrest and fed the hatred.

He went on to say this, which I found prophetic. While it is against Sha'aria law for Muslims to make an image of Mohammed why would that law apply to non-Muslims? That's like saying that Jews are offended by Gentiles eating pork or Mormons being offended by non-Mormons drinking coffee. On the contrary, those religious tenets apply to believers only unless...the goal of the belief system is to conquer the world by any means necessary.

Christianity wants to convert the world by means of the love and grace of Christ. Mormons want to convert the world, sort of. Judaism pretty much wants to be left alone. On the other hand, Islam wants...?

I am so glad for you lachen...enjoy your time in Maui, get rested, refreshed, relaxed, renewed, and come back to help us hold it all together.

12:10 AM  
Blogger lachen said...


"the goal of the belief system is to conquer the world by any means necessary."


12:27 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

Good to see you around, babe.

That said: WHY ARE WE SO FEARFUL of the emotional upheavel and wrath of those to whom we are already "infidels" and a target? Why are we concerned more about the image/appearance of United States or Europe APPEARS to these people, rather than the TRUTH about Islam?

I care not what a tyrant thinks of me, of my nation, or of my way of life. That the tyrant happens to be carrying a gun and threatening violence makes me more determined to defend myself vigilently, not cower for fear. EVERYONE whose lives are lived outside the boundaries of radical Islam is already a target. We delude ourselves to think this is about a cartoon. It is about world domination by a tyrannical religious tradition that offers only two options: adhere or die.

Frankly, I could care less about what people who subscribe to this radical, evil point of view think about me, my nation, or my Lord. I am only concerned with speaking as loudly as I can against such violent religious tyranny under the banner of "peace" and "tolerance".

Let us commit to finally facing, HONESTLY, the reality that the religion and culture of Islam is inherently neither peaceful or tolerant. It is unreasonable and tyrannical to expect an entire planet to adhere to a religious tradition YOU hold or face death. The Koran is clear, the religious edict is clear, the current leaders of Islam are CLEAR: all infidels are enemies whose deaths are ordained by the "prophet" and a blessing before Allah.

THAT is what the issue truly is: religious tyranny. That people are setting buildings on fire all around the world, as you said, simply demonstrates just how far the tyranny has spread. And as we wring our hands about our international image and trying to avoid more collateral damage of radical Islam, the threat builds.

We are kiding ourselves to think that, if we can just walk on eggshells, the laws of Islam will somehow change and that the huge target marks will somehow be erased from our heads.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mama - you are misreading what is written here or you are not reading the same things I am reading. The original post and every comment says precisely that this has nothing to do with cartoons, offensive or otherwise, but with the much more insidious and dangerous jihad against everything non-Muslim. The only question remaining is 'how strong is this movement and how many are committed to it'.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lachen, I hereby order you to leave off blogging, reading blogs/newspapers, watching tv, etc. for the remainder of your time in Mauii. Spend a day doing absolutely nothing.

9:26 PM  
Blogger lachen said...

Sorry Allan!

Blogging is such a glorious release and gift, I am answering that call when it beckons.

Even from the pristine shores of Maui...

12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't say those mean things about Muslims. Jesus never said mean things. He didn't call names or speak harsh words. He only spoke sweet nothings and sugary I-love-yous.

Oh, wait. There was that bit about a brood of vipers. But, I'm sure He meant it in a turn-the-other-cheek, I'm-okay-you're-okay, hippie Jesus, pacifist sort of way. At least, that's what all the cool people who use Macs and have post-graduate degrees in theology tell me. So it must be true.

5:31 PM  
Blogger lachen said...


WELCOME. You're speaking my language, and even if you weren't, there is truth in your words, brother. I just took a preliminary gander at your blog and I am impressed with the sheer volume of good stuff there to ponder and peruse.

Welcome, and please feel free to share at will and often.

... from my perch in Maui...


7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Extremist is right, Jesus did throw mean words around freely.
Gee, I wonder who he was talking to in those passages?

7:55 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

Scott and extremist,

God has no compunctions about calling sin as it is: sin.

God does not cower in fear from the reactions, threats, or retributions his righteousness causes in the hearts of sinful men.

But you are right, Scott - those same words of condemnation have been directed at those of us who might have otherwise thought we were safe by the perfection and good deeds in our own lives.

I don't find that in play here. I am not perfect, I doubt extremist or anyone else who contributes here would claim that. But if the fact that we posses a sin nature keeps us from employing clarity when it comes to the sin around us and attacking it with the same righteous fervor with which we attack the sin in our own lives, we've really put ourselves in a bit of checkmate, have we not? If we refuse to acknowledge the truth of what Islam is and what it is NOT by burying our heads in the comforting sands of the "religion of peace" mantra, do we not become participants in a collective lie, and thus, liars? If we deny the truth, do we not choose to walk in darkness?

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no problem with calling sin, sin. I believe that Muslims need Jesus and are lost without Him. I can say that without being mean or calling names, which is precisely what Extremist was advocating.
There is a major difference between incarnational and being insulting.
But, we are such different place, I digress.

1:48 PM  
Blogger lachen said...

Thanks to all who dared enter this discussion. Particularly to Scott and Mama and those others who disagree with me - in spirit or in truth, whether it be philosophical or theological. It is daunting to disagree, and to stand upon the same Biblical principles and basic love for Christ as you do. I recognize that.

But also deep gratitiude to those whose voices resonate with my own, for you are becoming my longed-for kindred spirits and are deeply appreciated here.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

And as for those who would and do target me and my children because of our devotion to Jesus Christ, my heart is with them. My prayers are with them. My love for them resides intact in the shadow of the Cross. My hope in His Kingdom Coming, on earth as it is in heaven is bouyant and inclusive. I am committed to hope, pray, and love as though today is my last.

But my eyes are not blinded.

I will not delude myself into thinking that Islam is anything less or more than it is: a false hope predicated upon a historically violent foundation, now virulently inflicted with this same violence and insistency upon the worldside community.

Which seems to be content to laregely look the other way.

I see not the Muslim, nor the Islamic state, nor the governments of those states as my enemy or adversary - - but Satan, newly disgusied and doing a heck of a job at leading millions astray while our backs are turned. He is winning this particular battle and will continue to until we openly acknowledge his latest incarnation.

Perhaps you are right in that honey attracts and vinegar repels, Scott. I can see that being true. And I agree, there is no need to be derogatory - the facts about Islam speak for themselves.

What I struggle with so ardently is the watering down or reconciliation of righteousness, of God-breathed truth with the world in order to accomplish that goal - rather than being unwilling to compromise Godly truths for ANY goal. Do you see that at play here? I do. I find that we are afraid to face the truths about Islam, which is yet one of the manifestations of 1 Peter, chapter 5, verses 8-11:

"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. 10 And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. 11 To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen."

4:10 PM  

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