Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sheehan Shenanigans

Well, I'm saying it again. Because it continues to be true. The more people open their mouths, the more we are able to discern the true content of their character. I know this to be true in my own life. I make many more mistakes with my mouth open than with it shut. This is a documented fact among those who personally know me, are genetically related to me, or visited the hospital recovery room immediately after either of my children's births. This "mouth equals mistake" relationship is a bit of an interesting double-edged sword in this situation, considering that this blog represents my mouth being open fairly wide in front of an audience of people, but it's a calculated risk.

... but back to our regularly scheduled program...

It seems Cindy Sheehan is losing her ability to hide behind a cause with exponential speed. This is a good and inevitable phenomenon, really. The longer she remains in the public arena - even on the fringes where she exists - the more we get to see who she REALLY is. What she REALLY believes. What she is REALLY after. What her cause REALLY is. Lately, she has begun openly emerging from the Camp Casey cocoon to emerge as an acidic moth with a destructive, evil ax to grind and a pungent methodology.

It is no secret that I abhor her message, detest her methods, and doubt her authenticity and her motives. It would be fair to say that she and I are not destined to become scrapbooking buddies. In fact, I was briefly convinced she was the one who made the two consecutive hang-up phone calls to my house at 3:20 am last Tuesday. Doggone that Verizon voicemail wake-up call service. It messes with your head.

Lately, she has decided that her quest is best served by these types of winning strategies:

**inappropriately demonstrative behavior as an invited guest at the House of Representatives immediately preceeding the State of the Union Speech, leading to her arrest and escort from the building**

**Equating our President, George W. Bush to "ten times the terrorist as Osama Bin Laden" in a speech at the World Social Forumn in Venezuela, in which she also stood at the side of President Hugo Chavez in agreement as he announced, "Enough already with the imperialist aggression. Down with the U.S. empire."**

**presenting California Senator Diane Feinstein with an ultimateum: filibuster Alito or I will run against you as a Democratic candidate in the next election. She has made her announcement on various web news sites, to the Senator herself, and proudly proclaimed her political hopes in that same, lovely Venezuelan speech. Yeah, that seemed quite the banner night for her.**

All such lovely tributes to her late son, Casey - an American hero who gave his life for the country she hates so much.


The more she speaks, the more obvious the rancid quality of her words becomes. The less powerful her cause becomes. And the more transparency is achieved. The veil is coming off, and it reveals the selfish, arrogant, agendized, radical, looney tune under it. So, I say - keep it up, Ms. Sheehan. Keep on talking. The more we understand about who you are and what you stand for, the more of us - Democrats and Republicans alike - will flee en masse from that brand of unchecked emotional Anti-American lunacy. And toward people, policies, programs, and politicians who actually believe in the promise and purpose of the United States of America and do not spend our energy to attack and undermine it, but invest ourselves in creating a more perfect union here at home and offering freedom to all our beloved neighbors throughout the world.

Ms. Sheehan, I charge you to abandon the hateful speech, malice, and feeble agenda you peddle. I invite you to actually become part of the constructive solution to the problems which face us all and demand our equal involvement in hopeful cooperation and love as a people united. Not denigration, and hateful, unbalanced messages spouted from an increasingly ineffective mascot for the radical anti-American ideology brigade. Join those of us who choose HOPE over HATE.


Blogger butterfly cocoon said...

I bow in awe of your eloquence. You hit the truth, dead on and without blinking.

7:02 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

Thanks Pat! Sometimes I manage not to make a mistake with my mouth open. :)

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully said. You put pen to paper masterfully.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I should say "finger to keyboard" but it just doesn't have the same ring, does it?


11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nicely said. Hard to believe that clear thinking can come from northern California. God does indeed work in wondrous ways.

2:23 PM  
Blogger lachen said...

Allan - I hail from the central California coast - not northern - but just about 2 hours north of LA.

Not that it matters too terribly much in the land of perpetual fruits and nuts, though.... :)

2:29 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

Lachen, I'm glad that you are feeling better.
I do feel sorry for Mrs. Sheehan-I've been keeping up on the political/social side for awhile now, and I think it's safe to say that to the Far Far Left where she hails from, feelings are the reality, or, more to the point, feelings trump reality. If they believe they are right because they FEEL President Bush is evil, that emotion, that feeling is more real to them than the actual reality that he is a nice guy, a good man.
Cindy Sheehan has gotten hooked on those feelings, and it must be harder to quit than any drug, especially when she keeps company with so many other co-dependent Bush haters; they echo and resonate each others self-righteous beliefs and feelings.

10:41 PM  

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