Monday, February 20, 2006

On Airplanes and Sea Ports


Fifteen hours of travel with two children under 5 just about does one in. In truth, the airplane flights were uneventful and lovely, the children were rested and wonderfully behaved (by the grace of God alone, since Mommy accidentally checked the luggage bag containing all the electronic toys and books, meant to be a carry-on!), the rental cars spacious and clean, and the overall travel experience smooth and safe. What a blessing!

But fifteen hours of smooth travel is still fifteen hours of travel. And since my normally longsuffering behind tends to feel like it is in a bad jello mold after sitting in a middle passenger seat of a 757 for any length of time, I tend to both feel AND look worse for the wear when emerging from any airplane. Even the nicest, easiest flight tends to contort me into something very nearly resembling a wadded up washcloth. It is an unpleasant transformation that can only be remedied with ample sleep and all-important Dr. Pepper. Both of which I intend to partake in liberally over the next few days.

But at last we are home! Actively engaged in trying to recapture some of our jetlagged energy, which seems to have seeped from us like the air from my grandmother's couch cushions upon impact: swift, sudden, and solidly. We are bushed.

Forgive me as I drift to sleep. My pillow is actually singing me a lullaby. Maybe it is the voices in my head. Again. Or maybe it is the low hum of the airplane engine which seemed to be emanating from my seat for 4 hours and 28 minutes and is now endlessly reverberating throughout my being. It is kind of soothing, actually. As engine hum echoes go, it's not bad.

But before I go, may I just ask this question of all Americans whose income or livelihood is NOT dependent upon a political ambition:

Does the idea of outsourcing the security and operational management of American sea ports to an Arab nation whose stance on terrorism is somewhere between "don't ask, don't tell" and "those terrorist guys are just misunderstood" sound remotely palatable to you? Does this brilliant bit of selling us down the river sound like it is strengthening our national security? Making our families safer? Protecting generational inheritance of this free nation? Insuring domestic Tranquility, providing for the common defense, promoting the general Welfare, and securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?

Any of that sound familiar?

Yeah, it's not flying with me either.

The emails to my Congresswoman and Senator have already been sent. Yours?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egads! I haven't traveled anywhere recently and I feel like that most of the time. You have my sympathy.

And yes, leasing harbor operation to a foreign country is insane, but then bureaucracies are not known for sanity, only cost effectiveness. I would not be surprised to learn that someone in the bowels of the Dept. of Energy has suggested outsourcing our alternative energy research to Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The harbor contract will likely be rescinded, one hopes, now that some big guns are speaking out against it.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me correct something...bureaucracies are not known for cost effectiveness either. I meant to say 'self-perpetuation'.

1:20 AM  

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