Monday, December 05, 2005

Creative Creche Characters

The Nativity Scene in our living room seems to be a work in progress. Unusual additions and distractions continue to find their way into our miniature creche display.

On Tuesday, the three Wise Men were missing for a few hours. Apparently, it was a little cold for them outside, visiting baby Jesus in the drafty manger, so they preferred to be wrapped in a toilet paper blanket and tucked cozily behind the sofa cushions.

On Thursday, Thomas the Train Engine dropped by with a few of his fellow train buddies.

Friday afternoon, I noticed the camel and sheep had been replaced with a My Little Pony and a stuffed green frog.

And this morning, Nemo seems to have wandered into the stable and was laying alongside baby Jesus in his manger. A fish out of water in more ways than one. He looked so comfy nestled alongside the Christ child that I just left him there. Nemo and Jesus, a definite odd couple. I guess Mary and Joseph are going to need to invest in a saltwater fish tank soon. Or move to Australia.

When I asked LaLa about her newfound propensity to embellish the story of the birth of Jesus, she initially shrugged. But later she said, "But Mom, they wanted to see baby Jesus too."

I can't wait to see what new character wants to see baby Jesus this week. My bet is that Jay Jay the Jet Plane will eventually show up in Bethlehem. Most likely accompanied by a plastic dinosaur or two.


Blogger Vanessa said...

LOL - Too cute!!!!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Hero said...

MsThang: That's Will Farrell which makes your excitement funnier than the avatar LOL.

MamaQ: We put Jesus out there too. When I was growing up we had the ceremonial bringing Jesus to the manger on Christmas eve, the drummer boy came Christmas night and the kings a week later. Now, I just put them all out there.

Lachen: so far our manger has only been manipulated in stories, not actual additions but I'm sure it's coming.

6:59 AM  
Blogger MommaRia said...


LaLa is so smart and funny.
Love the toliet paper wrapper too.

4:40 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

Reluctant one - I am going to be SO tempted to put baby Jesus on the roof of the stable from now on. That is SO giggly!

Mama, get a move on! What is a nativity scene without Jesus? Like Hero, our family never held out till Christmas morning for the sacred appearance of baby Jesus. Plus, in our case, I would live in fear of what piece of the Harry Potter Lego set might take Jesus' temporarily vacant space in the manger. A stand-in Christ child seems awfully blasphemous.

Ms Thang - the "NEED MORE COWBELL!" avatar is hilarious. I have loved it since our mutual friend started using it. Copper and I crack up at that Saturday Night Live skit. I think Will Ferrell is SO hit and miss with me (loved ELF, patently dislike almost every other movie he's done), but that skit is hugely funny!

Thanks everyone. May my little girl never be too old to add her little touches of "spice" to the Nativity Creche. :)

10:33 PM  

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