Thursday, November 10, 2005

my blessed beacon

My sweet, precious, angelic LaLa so often teaches me more about the Lord and this life than I feel I can ever impart to her. Her heart is open to God in a manner which brings me to my knees in it's wise simplicity.

Tonight, her prayer was simple.

"Dear Lord Jesus. Please bless my family. Thank you for this wonderful day, for my cozywarmbedandmypillow. Thank you for my door so that I can open it up and come into my snuggly room and go to sleep. Please bless my dreams and let us wake up refreshed in the morning. Thank you for tomorrow. I love you God, you are doing a great job in my life. In your precious name we pray, Amen."

She is thankful for each step she encounters - each element in her day. And she ends by saying a prayer for tomorrow, trusting God to sustain her whole life and giving thanks that He keeps His promises.

I love this little child, whose presence on this earth blesses it and adds a brilliant beacon of light.


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