Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The creature in the attic

We have a squatter among us. An uninvited varmint of sorts.

We think it is an opossum. But it might be a raccoon. Or maybe a bear. Or an alligator. It's fully possible.

Because despite Copper braving the attic alone in search of the THING making all the growly, clawing FUSS in the ceilings above us, we have not yet caught a definitive glimpse of the exact nature of the beast we are in contention with. We can hear him, but we cannot find him. Our attic is vast, filled with insulation and storage boxes ~ ample space to hide within. Not to be caught off guard against whatever is inhabiting our attic, Copper was packing. Gloves, mace, AND his service gun.

Where was I? I was standing guard under the ladder, bravely holding a non~operational flashlight at the ready. If that creature managed to elude Copper, and his mace, and his gun, and somehow made it down the ladder to me, I was fully prepared to crack it over the head with my Mag Lite, let me tell you.

It's all about teamwork, right?

Tomorrow we embark upon the rather fascinating world of wild animal traps. Food + a large rigged box with bait (food) + a little bit of patience should apparently equal one rather irritated but captured varmint. I sure like this idea better than shooting it, macing it, or Mag Liting it. But whatever rids my house from the creature in the attic is worthy of consideration. Is there an 'opossum Whisperer' among us? We may soon need to chat.


Blogger MommaRia said...

Dobey is in your attic. LOL

Sure hope you capture the elusive beast soon. Yuck, how creepy.

3:57 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

DOBEY THE CRITTER! I love it. I wonder if he will come when I call him - that would save some time.

He was quiet last night after two straight evenings of sounding as though he were intent to come through the upper floor ceiling.

I found myself hoping maybe he left through whatever miniscule opening he entered through.

Hopefully, Dobey will leave the building soon. Either of his own volition or aided by my unyeilding resolve or Copper's mace/gun combination.

7:54 AM  

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