Monday, September 26, 2005

A La Sesame Street

With the appropriate nods to copyrighted and syndicated content, this post is brought to you today by the Number "4" and the Letter "V".

"V", as you have probably realized, indicates that, though by the grace of God I am able to walk around without nausea, my beloved kids are still throwing up, still feverish, still sick. The vomiting thing is still going strong at our house. Currently, my sweet cherubic Joyboy is the family member fighting the vomiting battle most virulently. Interestingly (if not semi-comicly), Coppers' timing has placed him directly in the line of fire each of the last three incidents. It's a rather lame and foul excuse for quality father-son bonding time, to be sure.

Though we are honored and humbled to be able to comfort our children in times of physical or medical struggle, we each find ourselves fading as the seemingly endless process of watching our kids fight whatever virus has a vice grip on their stomachs. We've released it in prayer and trust in God to honor His promises to heal our babies. If only His plan was our plan and His timing was our timing.


Patience: the virtue that still escapes me. Not that I chase it with terribly much enthusiasm.

The Number "4" is in honor of LaLa. I managed to catch several glimpses of various TV news channel coverage today in passing, between loads of laundry and refills of watered down Gatorade. These pauses to refresh my understanding of current events of the world led to a phenomenal conversation with LaLa, whose tiny mind is always on overdrive. She asked how she could become "one of those special adults who announces the news on TV?". And so began a deeply engaging half hour, at the conclusion of which she had concluded that she would pursue five college "degrees". At the ripe old age of four, her excited eagerness delights me. I could not control my enthusiasm for her plans to simultaneously become a news reporter, movie "maker", veterinarian, Mommy (my heart soared on this one as all thoughts of my Master's Degree pursuits were temporarily forgotten), and painter. Well rounded, they name is LaLa. This precious child is going to give the world a run for its money in about 14 years.

What Copper and I once imagined to be a healthy start to her college savings account now seems pastily anemic in light of her goal of a quadruple major, marriage and family.

The merits of scholarships must be introduced.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nooooo! Protect that darling child from the world of journalism and aim her huge aspirations for brighter horizons! Trust me! :)

7:18 AM  
Blogger Doug said...

Hello Lachen-by the time you read this I hope that all of your family is feeling better. Sick is no fun. May god continue to bless you, your family, and your blog, which shines with your wit and insight. Have a great day.

9:23 AM  
Blogger MommaRia said... do I follow *That*.
Hehehe. Google "strange or weird scholarships" and see what LaLa qualifies for.

Of course, she and MB can go to school together. He wants to be a musicain, a painter and a mommy. ROFLOL>...LaLa's house husband maybe? I have pics of him doing dishes and vacuuming...there is hope here. They sure would give us cute grandbabies! *wink*

I'm all about arranged marriages (and he loves veggies and little toe headed girls) just a thought :)

1:48 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

I was so hoping you guys would all be on the mend - I hope you get there soon! {HUGS}

LaLa (and JB too) are going to go FAR - I just know it!!!

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that you are merely being patient in your pursuit of it.

7:51 PM  

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