Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Our meandering lunch conversation today included our choices of what constitutes the very WORST commercially released movie of all time.

My vote has been the same since I was about fourteen: Raising Arizona. I watched the whole movie expecting to see microphones hanging down into the scenes or a disclaimer that this is, in fact, a test of exactly how bad a movie has to be before the audience voluntarily vacates the building. I firmly believe that the budget for this movie was financed by one guys' weekend beer run money and that it is based on a screenplay hatched and written entirely on a receipt on the drive back from late night trip to the 7-11 (see also, beer run). The movie is pointless and eye-rolling ridiculous. Copper thinks it is so ridiculous that it actually becomes brilliant at some point, and that I am failing to appreciate that it is a "parody/comedy", not Shakespeare. Even Shakespeare had a sense of humor and nothing he ever penned contained the line, "Boy, you got a pantyhose on your head". So, we agree to disagree on this one, allowing my dear Copper ample room for his delusions concerning this flick to continue unhindered.


Lachen's vote for the worst movie of all time was overturned recently, after almost eighteen years.

A few months ago, we sat through the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.


Sheila, that movie BLOWS.

It is the most randomly pieced together menagerie of sheer nonsense I have ever been forced to endure. I sincerely doubt it is intended for either sane or sober audiences. Copper (who has actually read the book) and I (who never bothered) both fell asleep during the flick, and I personally was glad for the moment of relief my catnap afforded me. I left the theater feeling oddly assaulted and in need of a shower and a Dr. Pepper, stat. There went almost two hours of my life I will never get back. That movie is horrible, squared. If "bad" were people, it would be the entire Asian continent.

You get it. It stinks.

And has officially overturned Raising Arizona as the WORST commercially released movie on the planet. I hope this changing of the guard for worst movie is the last one I'll ever have to do, as I would truly hate to imagine what could possibly set a lower standard than the likes of Trillion and Humma Kavula.


Blogger MommaRia said...

In defense of Raising Arizona...I agree w/Copper, it is sooooo crazy it is brilliant (and one of my favs and DH's all time hates...needless to say I watch it alone and chuckle. Maybe MB will watch it with me and giggle.

I have not seen Hitchiker because I read the book and it must have been SOOOOOo bad that I don't remember it. I can remember books I read when I was 4 year old (not read to me, but I read. It was about a boy and his pet pig, it was a whole series. I read it in kindergarten again in 2 days and the teacher wanted to put me in 1st grade). I remember almost every book I have read, but Hitchiker's Guide, nope. Except I remember the cover and thinking "this is stupid".
Want a fun space book (be careful though some offensive comedy b/c it is British humor) try Red Dwarf, Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers. That book made me laugh out loud. The BBC TV show was not as funny as the book, but it was funny too.

Wow a trivial conversation with Copper. Vacation and you marriage are good.

3:54 AM  
Blogger Kristen OQ said...

worst movie for me was KingPin -- I can honestly say this is the only movie I have gotten up and walked out of. Not Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, or Bill Murray at their finest in my opinion. I have never seen either of the two on your list, but this makes me not want to pick them up at Blockbuster next time!

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two movies so bad I walked out of:

Beloved--I still cringe just thinking of Oprah wailing, "They stole my milk."

Spaceballs--I love a good parody but that stunk up the joint.

Not to mention Battlefield Earth--it deserves its own category.

8:51 AM  
Blogger *** hunzer *** said...

Sheila, that movie BLOWS."

I don't think I've ever heard anything funnier than that come out of your virginesque little mouth.


You kill me *C*...SLAY ME!

11:58 AM  
Blogger *** hunzer *** said...

BTW ~ I felt the same way after seeing "Hitch".

Horrible movie.


I want my two hours back, my money back and a public apology on CNN.com.

Thank God Will Smith made "Bad Boys" and "Bad Boys II". It makes "Hitch" somewhat forgiveable.

12:27 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I have to stand by Copper on raising AZ too. It was brilliant!

I hated Starship troopers.. until I saw it for the 3rd time. I thought it was funny. (yeah, I watched a movie I hated 3 times, I have no reason for it..)

We are going to see the man with the screaming brain tonight. It's a Bruce Campbell flick and he is going to be there presenting it. (sweet) Reviews are bad, but I like to form my own opinion. :)

3:31 PM  
Blogger Coccobello said...

What about the Island of Dr. Moreau. That was horrendous.

4:27 PM  
Blogger ~Kristina~ said...

I cant belive you said "that movie blows" lol

6:58 PM  

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