Friday, March 18, 2005

Pale World of Hurt

What kind of a world are we leaving as our children's inheritance when ex-husbands are allowed to remove from their invalid ex-wives the source of nutrition she receives - her feeding tube! - so that she is allowed to LEGALLY stave to death over time? And where perverted ex-cons prey on innocent, angelic nine-year old girls, snatching them from their bedrooms as they sleep and eventually taking their lives?

What kind of a place is this world? Is SUCKS to share this planet with such permeating evil.

Sometimes my hatred for the world and it's sick, twisted sociopaths and predatory people taps out my capacity for forgiveness and compassion. I can't forgive, I won't. Some crimes and actions are beyond my ability to extend the olive branch over and both sicken and wound me. I don't see inherent goodness right now as a defining characteristic of this earth. Granted, why should I? But it is difficult to watch innocents being hurt at will, their joyful lives marred by the rotting hatred and selfishn actions of others. I see the awful results of God's societal rebuff scattered everywhere like shrapnel on a spent battelfield. I see so much decay in us, so much unfulfilled promise, so many ruined lives.

I see a pale, pale world.

Admittedly fatalistic. But I am here, in this place, falling-off-my-chair weary, trying to wrap my mind around the possible purpose for all this evil to be allowed free reign on the planet.

My children deserve far better than this kind of poisonous inheritance. I cry and I pray. This world is a tragic place. Nothing is sacred anymore.

This dance in my mind is dangerous and lands me in a foul disposition. I need to seek solace in prayer and sleep and rest my heart for awhile.


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