Sunday, August 20, 2006

The valley of the falls

Fallible: amiss, awry, bad, blamable, blemished, botched, broken, cracked, damaged, defective, deficient, distorted, erroneous, fallacious, faulty, flawed, frail, human, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, inexact, injured, insufficient, invalid, lame, maimed, malfunctioning, marred, mortal, sick, unfit, unreliable, unsound, warped, weak.

Fibromyalgia: medical events resulting in the acute recognition, through humbling daily phenomena, the depths of your own body's fallibility

Lachen: Rejoicing in God's nearness through this unusual journey, as my body seems to be going on strike at rather inopportune moments again.


I have deliberately not updated the blogosphere on my medical situation for awhile because I am hesitant to focus attention on it, frankly, as though talking about it openly somehow makes it more real. And since I am emerging from a period of time delightfully bereft of intolerable levels of pain, medical catalysts, injuries, or doctor visits, it has been an appropriate time to give myself a break from this topic. However, as I sense that temporary but blissful state of grace ebbing and have begun to encounter pain again as I undertake simple, everyday tasks, I again confront this condition head on. Even as I fight this with all my might and want so badly to be healed from it - to find the way out of the pain that accompanies such little things as getting up from a seated position or grasping a cup, I also have this strange sense of peace about the Firbromyalgia, Reynaud's Disease, and Migraine Disorder combination that grips the edges of my body and occasionally shakes me.
I desire to live in harmony with this disease, denying nothing, but also in relentless pursuit of God's total and utter ability to take this cup from me if it is His will. Evidently, it is not His plan for me to be healed from this... yet.
So, while I pursue healing, I also find peace in these present places of unhealth. Because I am not alone in this Valley, and this leg of the journey, however unpleasant it is for me physically at this very moment, is not without a purpose beyond my understanding or appreciation.
That is enough to get me through to the other side of this particular mountain. Where I've heard there are some greener pastures. And maybe even a glorious palm tree studded beach.


Blogger Liz said...

I'm praying for you Lachen. I hope this pain goes away and God heals you of all of it. Missing you.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

Im very sorry that you are having to battle this, I will be praying for you.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Mo said...

You'll be in my prayers for sure.

3:17 PM  
Blogger lachen said...

Thank you guys so much! I believe in the power of prayer, not only in word, but in tangible reality. I have seen in my life with my own eyes, my Lord respond to the petitions of His people in ways so powerful that there are no words adequate. "Miracle" and "zealous love" come close, though.

I have utmost confidence that this un-fun pain and uncertainty I am experiencing right now is within God's plan and does not overshadow or somehow cancel out His LOVE for me. There is holy, perfect purpose for all of this on the other side of the thin veil, and I am trying to keep my heart resolute that I just may not be able to comprehend all angles of this love my God has for me.

Until I get to stand in His presence.

So right now, though I am feeling particularly weak in body, I am incredibly strong in spirit and resolve. Your PRAYERS are a part of this and I covet them. Thank you!

2:58 PM  
Blogger Roxy Wishum said...

Lachen, I will pray for you also. Though you are a faceless person living across the country, I have come to know a little of your spirit through your writings and I admire the combination you have forged of faith and intentional deep thought. Has anyone mentioned candida albicans as a possible source of your health problems?

2:56 PM  
Blogger lachen said...

Roxy - thank you. YES, actually, that was an early contender which has been ruled out. In the course of about 6 months, they discovered the auto-immune disorder Fibromyalgia, Reynaud's Disease, and classified the Migraine Disorder I've known I was delaing with since my first serious migraine sent me to the hospital at age 12. My mother, grandmother, and sister also have very serious migraines, and I am discovering that many, MANY of my family members have had or do have autoimmune disorders, which is at once comforting and alarming.

I hope to NOT have Fibromyalgia in 2 years. It is admittedly ambitious, I wait on God and don't want to limit Him in any way.

Welcome to my blog and I am so enjoying our conversations on various posts...

10:10 PM  

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