Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Ill-fitting sheep costumes

This mornings' news reveals the wolf's nose ominously sticking out from under the sheep's clothing for yet another bunch of 'Christians'.

My soul aches. Why are we increasingly so anxious to reconcile God's truth and conform our faith to the clanging society which rejects the Lord we love? Homosexuality is a sin. Just as lying, murder, blasphemy, adultery are also sins. We are ALL of us guilty of sin and undeserving of our Lord's love and grace. We must not revel in sin. We must not allow God's gift of marriage to be polluted by sin while we stand by congratulating ourselves for being so open-minded in our "courageous declaration of freedom".

Freedom to sin is granted to each one of us by God. We can do any old thing we want to do with our lives. But to repackage sin as Christianity is to reject Christ's TRUTH in favor of our own failings. Christ died for our sins, not so that we could revel in them like banshees. Rather, that we could accept the gift and embrace his blamelessness by denying ourselves and picking up HIS cross, not declaring our brand of sin the ultimate barometer of truth. Rampant post-modern theological advent coupled with intense outside political, social, and ecumenical conformity pressure is giving birth to a new generation of wolves in sheep's' clothing. Like wild wolves, this trend seeks to destroy what is pure within the church itself, in the name of God, and under the guise of Christianity. The favor and acceptance of our peers is apparently more important to us than the eternal quest for righteousness at the foot of the cross.

God's truth remains. It is only our response to it which is so tragically modifying itself.

His word is truth and His truth does not bend to our wills. When the church takes it upon ourselves to try to "hedge" what is true for what is easier to live with, we compromise Gods' righteousness for our own flawed version. And thus, our souls take a sharp detour from the narrow path leading to heaven's gates to the widely traveled alternative, headed for destinations unknown.


Blogger lachen said...

To politely answer those three who have emailed (thanks!), I do support Civil Unions for any two people of:
1.) sound mind and body
2.) who are not already united

There is reasonable place for all civil unions within the legal system of our nation which promises all people freedom and equality under the law.

But that place is not within the Christian church.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

I am humbled by this post - ITA!

11:29 AM  

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