Thursday, April 28, 2005

Character Weakness vs. Disease

The comments section of a recent post on my friend, Citizen Mom,'s blog is worth a visit. It contains bantering about a worthy topic touching on drugs, society, responsibility, and the all too overused "disease" epidemic. This particular conversation compelled me to toss my $.02 into, and I'd encourage you to visit her blog and check it out, provided if you have the ability to stomach some rather bane obscenities from some backlash posters. The quote below represents my initial contribution in the Comments Section, responding to the suggestion that we legalize more drugs, scrap the D.A.R.E. program and resign ourselves to the "disease" theory of the nature of substance abuse:

..."Drug addiction reflects weakness of character, not a mental or physical "disease". And the epidemic surely cannot be laid at the feet of well-intentioned programs designed to target the eradication of such rampant substance abuse in our nation.

Ultimately, we must take responsibility for our actions and every action of our minor children. This is PARENTING. After all, character is built upon the foundations we establish for ourselves and our precious children and live by example.

Legalizing more substances is not the ticket out of this mess. I suggest we target the source: alienation from purpose, value, love, traditonal family, morals, personal responsibility, and God. Our current solid position as a society so heavily steeped in drugs of both the legal AND illegal variety is not an accidental happening. It is yet another casualty of the culture war. And it won't be the last.

Slapping a band-aid on the scraped knee of a cancer patient does not cure the cancer. Only attends to the surface bleeding while the patient is still slowly dying."

It set off a little firestorm over there, teeny as it may be in the grand scheme of things. I warmly welcome your thoughts on this topic, since I was inspired by my friends' blog to deeper ponderance about this issue. And in so doing, the proverbial heels of my heart and convictions are even more deeply dug in on my moral convictions.


Blogger lachen said...

I LOVE YOU TOO... and not just today! (LOL - I know that's not what you meant, just struck me as funny...)

What a rare and unique opportunity that ongoing conversation was - to get glimpses into the inner workings of others minds and hearts (warped, obscene, lost souls and all - and the Neqqq is a bit of a trip, thanks for the insight!). I actually feel a bit elated to have had ample time to hang out online over the past 36-48 hours to respond to the thrown gauntlets over there.

"Resigning ourselves", with respect to this topic, is defined by the sad trend labelling drug and clocohol addiction as an illness or disease.

That's baloney.

It is a CHOICE, pure and simple. Addicts are not defined as "bad" by this choice unless they ALLOW it to become the thrust of their life. And then, sadly, they risk having little function beyond the additcion. Weak character is a contributing factor among many others that would lead to an addiction by vountary means. Addiction is 100% preventable. Admitting that is a deeply empowering tool. It requires honesty and accountability, but ultimately frees us from becoming perpetual "victims" and instead compels us to take ownership of our life, resulting in the strength to make courageous and rigtheous choices that shape our future brilliantly DESPITE our struggles.

I resist with all of me the theory that substance abuse is somehow an illness or disease. No way. It is a choice bourne of the content of ones' character. Sorry MamaQ. Our coins are squarely flipped here too - but is this is SURPRISE to either of us? :)

You are in such a blessed, unique position to shine light out there from the beacon that is your blog - do you see that? What a gift you have the position to bring - to reach those with truth who would NEVER feel comfortable relating to any of us so blandly thrown into the distasteful category of "the right" (or whatever) and thus, unworthy of their consideration.

WOW! Keep it up!

I love you back...

11:53 AM  
Blogger lachen said...

Frederick, now what did I tell you about drinking and posting? :)

Addiction is a choice. Lazy? Maybe.

Nursing babies, birds seeking food, etc are life sustaining natural instincts promoting survival but I fail to see the addiction factor inherent there.

I am dependent upon food and water for life. Does this mean I have an addiction to those things?

See you next Saturday - let the warm waft of Cheeseburgers in Paradise direct you to our humble abode.

Your W'sBF and chief protagonist

10:28 AM  

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