Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The American Birthday & Challenge Check~In

Happy 230th birthday America! May God continue to bless the people and promise of this nation and guide our footsteps forward in His shadow.

And happy 30th birthday to my dear sister who was born on our bicentennial 4th of July ~ thirty short years ago. And whose three~year~and~counting military deployment (her husband is a Navy helicopter pilot in such exotic places as Fallujah and Kuwait) abroad is gratefully coming to a rapid end! She and her husband are coming home! And, God willing, will be gracing the shores of Texas by September 1!

Soooo..... how are you all coming with your RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS? I am giggly joyful to share my own so far:

We live in an ocean-adjacent agricutural valley where winery vineyards, strawberries, and other edible delights that thrive in our Meditteranean climate, are grown. Often throughout the day, farm workers can be seen toiling in the fields, bent over plants, dressed from head to toe in fabric and hats, to protect them from the sun. It has always seemed to me a thankless, difficult labor, and I have often driven by the endless fields on my way to the church, market, or office, and thought:

This is such a warm day.
Those people are dressed so warmly to protect themselves and working outside ALL day.
I imagine they are working for low wages.
I bet they are super thirsty.

So, on Saturday, I did something small about it.

At 11:30 a.m., 5 assorted pizzas and 10 2-liter bottles of soda from the local pizza place were delivered anonymously to the vineyard I so frequently drive past, to be given to their field laboring crew that day. I even paid in cash, so no one could ever know who the pizza pixie was.

There is a little light that shines from within me when I drive by that vineyard now. This is SO much fun!

Anyone else wish to share their stories of shining the light of random kindness into the world? The challenge continues...


Blogger ~ cyndyann ~ said...

I could so see you doing just that! What a wonderful gesture... I'll have to try hard to beat that one, but I shall perform a random act of outward kindness soon... Thanks for the nudge.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Mo said...

That's just wonderful!

9:21 AM  
Blogger *** hunzer *** said...

I've sent pizzas and pop to the guys working at my oil change place before. They helped me out in a crunch and didn't charge me for it.

I also decided to start paying for people behind me at a fast food restaurant here and there.

When I hit the grocery store, I always contribute to the food shelf by buying one of their prepackaged grocery bags full of food.

I know I can do more...

10:47 AM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

You rock woman! I'm sure those people loved the pizza & drinks.

I try to do things, but I know that I can do so much more.

And WOOHOO for your sister! I hope that they return to the US soon and safely. I know how bad deployment sucks {hugs}

10:33 AM  
Blogger peetz1 said...

Hey Sweetie!
I've been thinking about you and have been meaning to catch up on your blog!!!

I LOVE the random acts of kindness thing and it's something I have been tried to do regularly for quite a few years!

When I was pregnant and or/toting a newborn or toddler, I would often find myself frustrated and frazzled going to the grocery store or Wal-Mart because no matter how well I time managed or arranged my cart, I always ended up with someone crying (usually one of the kids, but sometimes it was me!) and/or things falling out of the cart--always a mess. Every once in a while, some kind soul would help me unload at the checkout, run and get the gallon of milk I forgot, or hold a child as I fumbled to pay. I will never forget the gratitude I felt for these simple gestures! As a result, I always try to help others at the store. Sounds simple, right? But for the elderly woman who can't reach the coffee or the frazzled mom who is about to break down, I helped make their day just a touch easier. And I am so glad to do it!


10:05 AM  
Blogger Spirited 3 Mom said...

Left me laughing and yet at same time longing to do something more....hmmmm I think I need to go blog......

12:23 AM  

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