Thursday, March 31, 2005

Never Another April

I must remember to be careful with my words. Careful to tread on sacred ground with selfish sentiments. It is my intention to make my words instruments of peace to the extent of my ability.

Further, to realize that our prayers are petitions, and that the Lord's answers are not always possible to understand within the limitations of our finite human hearts.

And that the path of the Lord, by design and intention, does markedly diverge from the path of the world. This is His promise, His purpose, and the window of those vast differences sheds needed light onto the inherently sinful nature of humanity. I pray for conviction to choose your way and remember that it is by grace alone that we stand justified.

By grace alone.

Amazing grace.

Lord, into your hands we commit the spirit of Terri Schiavo. Under your wings we seek shelter from the storms still raging within the hearts of the people in this nation, the courts and the government, her hospice caregivers, her friends, and her dear wounded family. Please bless her family with abundant comfort right now. We thank you for the life of Terri Schiavo and for the lessons we glean from her courage, resolve, innocence, suffering, and ultimate death. We with deep sadness resign ourselves that tomorrow will not come for this precious woman. That her she perished by the actions and indifference of others and this last March morning, the sun set on her life, and she will never live to see another April.

Make known your will, Lord, that we may pursue that with fervency. Make known your wisdom, Lord, that may replace our own with yours. Make it known your love, Lord, that we may we NEVER FORGET our obligation to all of humanity. Make known your truth, Lord, that we do not compromise. Make known your peace, Lord, that we can rest under the wings of the Creator of heaven and earth, knowing it surpasses our understanding. And make known your Amazing Grace, Lord, that those who once were lost now can be found, and those who were blind now will see.

With hopeful and determined hears, we pray for silence to never be fraudulently substituted for lasting peace, and for your righteousness and perfection to reign in the hearts of those who prayed against this most tragic and senseless outcome we met this morning. Humbly I also ask for healing in my own heart over this unspeakable tragedy. I am wholly dependent on you to sustain me today as my own emotional strength is just spent and I am struggling to find you amidst my own guttural reaction. Breathe new life into me that I might regain my footing, know your peace, and continue this journey, refined and blessed by your presence by my side and in my heart.

I pray for Terri's dear family and for the hearts who are forever altered by her passing. And I pray for Terri, for whom there will never be another April but for the eternal view from her perch in paradise. Thank you Lord for never leaving us, even in life's darkest corners, and that our faith in your promises is the light piercing the darkness.


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