Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Amoral Choice Lovers Organization

a.k.a.: my newly coined "ACLU" meaning.

In a fairly predictable death spasm, the ACLU officially denounced Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito today and issued a formal opposition announcement.

Please allow a moment while I recover from my shock. Or not.

As pretty much anyone who reads this blog with any degree of regularity is aware, I have a longstanding beef with the ACLU. They don't play nicely with others.

The organization loves to create judicial tsunami waves and send them crashing towards the shores of our American way of life, in efforts to erode the sands of the shores we tread on and undermine our foundations as a people. The ACLU does not function as it was apparently designed to anymore. It has become a churning activism machine for extreme liberalism. Even if we give the ACLU the benefit of the doubt and choose to believe that it began with noble intention and purpose as it so often claims in its defense, it has wandered WAY off that reservation. The ACLU supports amorality at each turn. The ACLU strikes against Christianity and Judaism at every opportunity. The ACLU defends the predators among us in their offense of the innocent among us. The ACLU supports the civil liberties of some over others based on an litmus test of amoral secularism tinged with politics and the ever-present aroma of money-fueled power.

Whoosh! I feel better just getting that all out...

My compadres at Stop the ACLU.com offer an on-point evaluation (with sadly, less Lachen-esque ranting) of the latest ACLU attempt to tatoo the American system with their brand of an ill-conceived secularized utopianism best described as Amoral Depravity. I direct you to their
site for the full story, but offer the following vital snippets here:

"...For the first time since Robert Bork, the ACLU are officially opposing a nominee for the Supreme Court. I couldn't expect any less of the organization. The ACLU vote came after a special meeting of its 83-member national board this weekend, which has voted to oppose only two nominees in its 86-year history: Justice William Rehnquist, and Robert Bork.

NEW YORK ~ The American Civil Liberties Union announced today that it will oppose the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the United States Supreme Court.

In December the ACLU sent a 68 page report of Judge Alito's records, along with their letter of "deep concern" to to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy. From the recent questioning we have heard from various democrats, it wouldn't be a bad guess that this is where they got many of their talking points...

"Judge Alito has all too often taken a hostile position toward our fundamental civil liberties and civil rights," said Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. "The Supreme Court is the final guardian of our liberties, and Judge Alito has shown that he lacks the dedication to that commitment. Recent revelations about White House-sanctioned domestic spying, in defiance of the law, make it clear that the Senate cannot, and must not, approve this nominee."

Translation: The ACLU are deeply concerned that if Judge Alito is confirmed, much of their efforts to force a radical agenda on America through judicial activism might be slowed down dramatically. They have already declared that Bush has broken the law, when their is no evidence to back them up. They are concerned that this Judge just might rule in favor of fighting terrorism, homeland security measures, and the governments efforts to protect Americans."

And that would just be a TERRIBLE thing, wouldn't it? Instead, that ACLU spends its ample time supporting such laudable causes as the utter defense of aborting our babies on demand, defending NAMBLA and other sex offenders in their pursuit of preying on our children, and removing all religious symbols and prayers from public space. And GOD FORBID we erect a Christmas manger display in an American public park. Because THAT has no place in the America envisioned by the folks over at the ACLU.

Sheesh - who ARE these people?


Blogger lachen said...

Mama Q, I love you, but PLEASE.

We need to wake up. The global dynamics facing us as people and as Americans have changed. We must allow our ELECTED representatives (you know, that whole "of the people, for the people and by the people" government) EVERY opportunity and tool to assist us in maintaining our utmost basic civil liberty - that of protecting LIFE and our national safety.

The ACLU is always on the wrong side of the battleground. In this case, they are fighting a battle that reminds me so much of the beginning stages of the French-Indian war here on American soil.

The Colonial soliders were so concerned with procedure and formality that they brought their soliders in to fight in freshly pressed uniforms, marching in lines with sniny weapons and starched helments. They did not amend themselves to the surroundings and dangers facing them, and instead, marched their tired old way of doing battle into a brave new world.

And were annihilated.

Because the American Indians, who had no such compunctions to worry about the smudge on their uniforms when battling for their lives, jumped out from bushes, trees, and from behind trenches and simply annihilated their opposition.

Lesson learned. The French changed their battle tactics and amended their sense of what was proper in battling this new enemy, came back and fought on a much more leverl playing field.

And won.

I'm sorry, but ANYTHING the ACLU supports, you can pretty much bet offends my moral and intellectual sensibilities to the core. They are out trying to make sure we can suck our unborn babies into sinks, removing God from the celebration of HIS BIRTH, and undermining our ability to gather intelligence about terrosist threats against our citizenry, all in the name of protecting our CIVIL LIBERTIES.

These people have taken a walk off a map long ago.

They have zero credibility with the American mainstream because they seek to marginalize those of us with moral backbone, who seek the protection of our NATION, even at the expense of few "liberties". And lately, they have their britches in a bunch radicalize the judiciary, among other goals.

Don't be fooled - their opposition to Alito has nothing to do with pure motives, but forwarding an agenda. The ACLU is a mouthpiece for the most loony among us. They want morality abolished so that everything becomes permissable and acceptable to an ever-lenient American public. So that there is no right and wrong, except what they decree to be so from their bully pulpit.

They are the the American Al Quaeda - the most dangerous organization in our nation. And we'd better wake up to that reality, as their ongoing assualt our sensibilites, foundations, and way of life continues.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class… Communism is the goal.” ACLU founder Roger Baldwin.

Since attacking the capitalist system directly hasn't worked the ACLU has changed its tactics to attack its underlying values; private ownership of property, religion, education, family. Regardless of how the organization postures itself, it is subversive and dangerous.

Half the time I can't read the bot-proofing letters :)

5:37 PM  
Blogger Mo said...

I'm so sorry that I didn't read this post, but I'm very glad I did now. Fabulous post and right on sistah!

7:52 AM  

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