Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Unapologetic Joy

There is no denying that I am a joy-filled person. I have never not been saturated with joy, excited about existing, committed to carpe diem style living ~ sucking the marrow out of life and embracing God's bounty with abandon. As an infant, child, teenager, adult ~ if one defining stable characteristic throughout my life must be identified, it would arguably be JOY. Joy is present within me almost constantly ~ not only by conscious decision, but also as an involuntary manifestation of who I am as a crafted individual. A spirit of joy is my constant companion in life and resides deep within my soul, by God's design and with His purpose.

It is truly one of the fruits of my spirit, as defined Biblically. And I am grateful.

One of the most dear qualities that Copper brings to me is the unique and highly prized ability to amplify joy in our lives. In so doing, he adds depth and trust to our marriage. He never diminishes, incapacitates, or seeks to quells my experience and embrace of joyfulness in everyday life. He is a harmonizing effect, not a dimmer switch. And I love him for this (though by no means, this alone).

That Jesus loves me is obviously the primary source of this abundant joy for me. How could it NOT be, really? Any other source is a distant second to that which I encounter in the daily affirmation of my self-surrender to God's will in gratitude for the gift of Jesus. All else pales by comparison, because without God's design and Jesus' sacrifice, my life itself would simply fail to exist.

I do find indescribable joy in my children, husband, family, friends, talents, gifts, and life - but as an extension of my first and lasting source of joy, without whom nothing I take joy in would be possible. And increasingly, simply because of my raw awe that He just loves me unendingly despite myself and blesses me exponentially ANYWAY. I do not deserve and am unworthy of everything I have, so aware am I of my consistent state of "soul remodel in perpetuity", the construction process having been underway for now almost 32 years. Because I am aware of the GIFT, rather than the ENTITLEMENT that joy is, I am even more grateful, and even more flooded with joy. Like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a crisp subzero morning is the sensation of I am faced with my naked soul ~ still hindered by my own humanity from where I yearn and ache to be ~ and I realize I am loved ANYWAY by the perfect creator of the heavens and the earth.

Pretty humbling. Pretty comforting. Pretty doggone amazing.

Big time joy booster.

But I will say this about joy. It is so often misunderstood in the swirling "world of other importance" around us. Joy is not a highly prized blessing among so many of us, is it? In fact, we often find ourselves involved in continual "my life is harder" matches about whose life is more stressful, more devoid of joy, more difficult, don't we? As if seeking a prize for that accomplishment, we sometimes labor with the delusion that it is somehow more noble, more worthy of respect and appreciation that we are so consistently stressed out, overburdened, and longsuffering. Often this all occurs by own crafting. Yes, life is HARD, inarguably. At moments, it can be to-the-breaking-point overwhelming. While I have deep compassion and a prayerful heart for those whose lives are filled with the kinds of inordinate struggles I can only begin to imagine, I do believe there is a rightful place in each one of us for the kind of rich joy God describes in Galatians and again in John 15 ~ the kind that is so fulfilling that it is complete within us DESPITE changing circumstance. The kind that is not fleeting or determined by our momentary life experiences, but is forever abiding and built around a foundation which is larger than ourselves. I want to celebrate and herald THAT kind of homeostatic joy.

I want to be one whose life demonstrate joy and caring, love, and stewardship DESPITE personal circumstance. A common thread I note in those inpiringly dynamic people who seem to be able to navigate through life with conviction and purpose is their sense of JOY and gratitude for the basic experience of this life in the first place, given to them by God for His purpose. In essence, I endeavor to count myself among those whose joy is in the Lord and whose lives show the fruit of that joy with every breath.

We are not entitled to any of this. This life we take for granted - this daily grind we rail against, the trials and tribulations, ups and downs, moments of pain and crisis, sorrow and healing, ebbs and flows of this whole human experience.. Life ~ all of it ~ is so temporary, so fleeting and can end for any one of us, abruptly, at any time. Why not seek joy along the journey? What do we lose or risk by embracing joy as we travel through the amount of time we have been gifted here? Why not choose joy?

Why not?

The joy of integrity is not based on circumstance, but on faith. It does not waver with situation, but can be appropriately quieted when required. It fills the soul and answers the darkest moments with reverberating truth. It is not superficial, but everlasting and - in my case - a strong root that anchors and defines me. Joy is not an adjective, it is an adverb and is one a powerful God-given character quality.

It needs no apologies. It just is.

Hello, my name is Lachen and I am a proud joy-a-holic. You betcha. And loving every minute of it.


Blogger mom23 said...

Excellent post my friend. And I do agree that you are a joy filled person and it is integral in your ministry - even on here!

For a long time, I struggled with the idea of whether or not happiness and joy are the same thing. Now, I resolutely believe that they are indeed 2 seperate things. Joy is solid, a conviction, a lifestyle. Happiness is a fleeting emotion that can come and go like sadness and anger.

How amazing that the God of the Universe knew that we needed something like Joy to sustain us in our daily lives and how amazing that He offers it to us - even when we would rather be grumpy.

12:49 PM  

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