Friday, March 04, 2005


365 days ago, at 10:20 on a crisp clear morning, my little one was born. From the moment he took his first breath, he was instantly a beacon of joy, spirit, and abundance in my life, in his Daddy's life, and in the life of his adoring sister. I knew God anew while basking in the mere presence of my little boy. This, my phenomenal little amazing baby son celebrates ONE YEAR of life today!

A Year.

To my son...

I just want time to stop for awhile. So I can hold these days with you as a tiny little person just little while longer. You are growing so strong, son. So clear in your communication, so craving of touch and contact, and so very purposeful in your romp through life. Though I gave birth to you, it is you who caused a rebirth of my soul. You, with your sweet pudgy hands and long fingers, who had me wrapped around your heart long before I ever heard you cry, ever got to hold you, and ever saw your face. And you, whose rapid growth from infancy into babyhood, has been a lesson in yearning for a Mama who never wants to let go of her baby boy and wishes time could move slower, take its time in rushing us past these precions moments.

Today you are ONE. You've seen four seasons, your first Christmas, first word, first triumphs, first falls. The utter priviledge of sharing this year with you has reshaped me. It is not by chance that you were born at the dawn of Spring, as the weather turns warm again and life rushes back to the plants and flowers around us and warmth again returns to the earth. I may have been blessed to give birth to you, but you gave me LIFE. Newly, freely, and with abandon. And that Spring continues to ripen as I watch you embrace more of life and expland your capabilities by the moment.

I am in awe of you, little man. Of all that you already are, and all that you will become. You are a most precious creation, the sweetest, loving, most openly communicative little boy imaginable - my firstborn, only son. My sunburst, my snuggler, my angel, my little man, my joy, my respite, and my heart beating outside my own chest. The utmost proof of God's love for me lies in your abundant (and usually sticky or drooly) embrace. I am not the same person because of you, and will be forever grateful for your life in mine. You are sheer blessing, sheer love, sheer delight.

God Bless you, my sweet little man. I love you, son.



Blogger Karmon said...

Happy Birthday Henry. We love you. Sending hugs from Virginia.

2:03 PM  
Blogger *** hunzer *** said...

Happy belated birthday Henry! You make your parents so proud. :)

3:04 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Happy Birthday, Henry!

I'm enjoying your blog! I need to pay attention more often.. I didn't know you had one out here too.

5:19 PM  

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